Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Running on Reserve Power

My computer just warned me that it is "running on reserve battery power." The icon is flashing in red in the top right hand corner of my computer, a constant reminder to plug in soon. If I don't, another message will appear. In fact, it just now popped onto my screen: "Please connect your computer to AC power. If you do not, your computer will go to sleep in a few minutes to preserve the contents of memory."

This got me thinking about life. It's weird what prompts these moments of clarity.

Tonight, at this very moment, as I finish a paper and try to find the energy and intellect to read five articles for tomorrow morning's class discussion, I find myself wanting to plug into the wall, if only for a moment, to find that surge of power to keep me charged.

Graduate school. Full time job. Travel. I suddenly feel like a computer running on low battery. I find comfort knowing that I am surrounded by reasons to recharge.

Peace and love.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Joining the Blog World

I have officially decided to join the world of blogging. I have read enough blogs from other people that it's now time to try my hand at it. This came about for two reasons:

1. I am procrastinating - this project that is due tomorrow is in need of some serious revision and refining, but this seemed like more fun. As if browsing Facebook for the last 20 minutes wasn't procrastination enough.
2. I am about to travel to Europe for 3 weeks with 300 high school students and decided I might try to keep up with a blog while I'm gone.

To be honest, #1 is the real motivating factor.

Let's talk title. I decided to call my blog The Persistence of Memory after a painting by Salvador Dalí (La Persistencia de la Memoria). It is a really cool piece - I think most everyone would recognize it. It's the one with the clocks that are melting and oozing away. Lots to think about with this painting - but in the end, I think it is Dalí's way of reminding us that time, whether we want it to or not, slips away. Though I doubt he was a general optimist, this painting, in a weird way, makes me want to hold on to time and enjoy the experiences that come my way.

Since this is my first post, and because it is 10:20 pm, and because I still have hours of work left to do, I am going to publish this and see if I did it correctly. I am (surprisingly) looking forward to this weird concept of blogging...

Peace and love.